Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hepatitis C & Homeopathy -- What Made the Hepatitis C Go Away?

This is an article about a woman with Hepatitis C who tried homeopathic treatment.  The day after taking the homeopathic remedy, her blood work showed that she no longer had Hepatitis C.  There was no other change in her diet.  She took no medication.  She had not undergone any other treatments.  People do not wish themselves well.  Was this coincidental remission?  Or, a reaction to homeopathic treatment?

"When one has eliminated the impossible, what remains must be true, however unlikely it seems. " -- Sherlock Holmes


Many years ago, I treated a woman for hepatitis C.  The results have been published and republished before.  Neither the fact nor the professional and scholarly dissertation of the events are news.  The Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, Homeopathy NewZ and Homeopathy in Practice published articles about the event.  (I prefer to discuss people and events--not "cases".)   A copy of the  July 2003 issue of Homeopathy in Practice is available .  Copies of the blood work from the woman's medical doctor, before and after homeopathic treatment, were submitted, along with the original article to the editor of the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.  The doctor who did the blood work was treating this woman totally independently of me.  What has never been discussed are the full range of trite ancillary issues.  The circular logic of naysayers.  The so-called scientists clinging to their epicycles and clearly clinging to a belief system not a science based upon observation.  The application of advanced scientific methods such as Occom's Razor appear not to be part of conventional Western 'scientific' medicine.

This woman, Jane we'll call her, had a history of abusing alcohol and drugs.  She had seen many friends die, going the route of alcohol / drug abuse, damaged liver, hepatitis, AIDS, death.  She had also experienced my suggestions of taking homeopathic remedies for some annoying constitutional conditions.  The homeopathic remedy worked as I told it would.  She had a reaction to the remedy.  Then, got better.  She had also seen her daughter's very quick recovery from being bedridden and knocked from a week long "cold virus that was going around".  After a week of taking cough syrups and not getting better, her daughter took a homeopathic remedy, went to sleep within 20 minutes and woke up fine.  The logical conclusions to draw from these events is that homeopathy works.

So, when she was diagnosed with hepatitis C, she sought my advice.  I was not yet an experienced homeopath.  I was skeptical in my ability to help.  But, how could I refuse?  I took a history.  Did an analysis.  Suggested a remedy.  She took the homeopathic remedy.  The very next day after taking the remedy, she took a new blood test.  In one day, after taking a homeopathic remedy, her blood showed no signs of hepatitis C.  That blood test was done totally independently of me.  The logical conclusions to draw from these events is that homeopathy works.

Her doctor was in total shock.  Her doctor asked her rhetorically, "What did you do?  Did you get a liver transplant?"

The woman answered, "I prayed to God and went to a very good homeopath that I know."

An answer the doctor could not accept.  The doctor asked again, "No really, what did you do?"

The woman repeated her answer, "I prayed to God and went to a very good homeopath that I know."

Personally, I find the aged argument that homeopathy can't work because "there is nothing in it" as ridiculous and medieval as saying air does not exist because we can not see it.  I have seen the results so often, that it would be ridiculous for me to deny that homeopathy works.  When I tell skeptics that science is based upon observation and I have repeatedly observed homeopathy work; they respond with "You have come to the wrong conclusion."  Who is clinging to their epicycles now?

Spontaneous remission?  Really?  Another epicycle to cling to.  Placebo response?  Faith healing?  It has been over a decade and this woman is still hepatitis C free.  The same results keep on coming up in her blood work.  I doubt faith healing would last that long.  A placebo response certainly would not last that long.

As for the times that homeopathy does not work vs. when conventional medical treatment does not work; do you say conventional medicine is quackery when you go to a doctor and are not cured?  Many people do go to doctors, especially for chronic diseases and do not get relief.  The reasons given are the doctor is not a good doctor.  The patient is "not responding to treatment".  Or, another course of treatment is suggested.  Does the same not apply to homeopathy and homeopaths?  With an additional caveat, remedies can lose their potency.  Sometimes the right remedy is selected but, the quality or potency of the remedy is poor.  Let us not forget those (clients) who do not follow instructions (and skeptics who do not follow the rules then complain it does not work).

There is another common scenario of being scientific to consider.  Often, a homeopath makes a homeopathic recommendation to a person.  The person takes the remedy.  Then, the person tells the homeopath, 'It did not work.'  When the homeopath goes down the list of ailments the person had complained about, it suddenly dawns on the person, that the person is better.  Sometimes, the improvement is observable. I have been through this scenario before.

The individual did not suddenly "believe".  The individual thought about what happened, the events.  Reflected on their personal experience.  Then, came to a conclusion.  

Many individuals who "believe" in homeopathy have personal stories of being cured from some chronic disease.  Their so-called belief is based upon a life experience.  That's science.  For homeopaths who treat people and repeatedly see the same results, improvement in health by following a law of nature, that is science:  A conclusion based upon a repeated observable fact.

Maybe, it is time you tried an experiment with these off-the-shelf drugs, labeled safe by the FDA (HPUS)?  Really, if there is nothing in it, what are you worried about?  See for yourself if they do something or not.  Just remember to follow the rules of homeopathy while trying your experiment.  Which means, among other things, that you will probably have more dramatic results and an easier choice of a remedy, especially for a layman, with an acute disease than a chronic disease.  Remember, 'Like Cures Like'.  Good luck!   


This website is dedicated to homeopathy and alternative treatments, especially for diseases and conditions that have no known conventional medical cure.

This blog is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  This blog is not meant to replace competent medical care.

Anorexia & Homeopathy -- In the head or; In the stomach?

Anorexia is another one of those diseases claimed to be "in your head".  There is nothing physically wrong with the young lady.  (Anorexia commonly affects young women.)  She wants to be attractive.  Or, she is depressed.  Society is blamed. Men are bashed.  The fashion industry and their advertising are accused.  All sorts of psycho-analysis are performed.  Indeed, psychology was created, by medical doctors, in a search to explain diseases with no discernable physical cause. Discernable -- something specific, oftentimes minute, that can be seen, as separating and distinguishing this particular object of observation from other objects of observation.

However, our senses are limited.  Since the advent of psychology in the early 1900s, many advances in science and medicine has taught us the causes of "unexplainable" diseases.  I can not explain anorexia.  What causes it or why.  As a homeopath, I can only apply the natural law, "The Law of Similars", to a given set of symptoms, to relieve those symptoms.  This I did, for a young woman, in her early 20s, who had been diagnosed with anorexia since she was 16.  After taking a homeopathic remedy, she could not stop eating!  In fact, her biggest concern about homeopathic treatment was – the side effect that she could not stop eating and  would get fat! from eating so much, because she was so hungry!

Proviso.  Often, when people hear of such incidents, or read such articles, they are quick to ask, "What did you give her?!"  To which, the homeopath must answer, I gave what was indicated.  I matched her symptoms, to the symptoms in the homeopathic pharmacopia and selected a remedy for her symptom picture.

Often, upon reading such articles, people rush off to buy a homeopathic remedy. Take it, without properly matching symptoms—matching just one symptom is not matching the total symptom picture.  Nor, is matching a pathological name matching symptoms to symptoms.  Also, laymen rush off to take a homeopathic remedy without following proper dosing instructions, such as drinking coffee, a universal anti-dote.  Then, when these experimenters do not have a positive reaction, they dismiss homeopathy as useless at best--quackery at worst.

The classical example is with diabetics. Line up a dozen diabetics and you will find that each one has many symptoms different from the others in the group.  What works for one diabetic may not work for another.

While randomly taking a homeopathic remedy is quite safe—which is why the FDA permits OTC sales of homeopathic drugs; self medicating individuals taking homeopathic remedies for “complicated” or “involved” chronic diseases may have no reaction to a remedy.  Then, people experimenting with homeopathic remedies for “complicated” diseases dismiss homeopathy as quackery.

Homeopathy does not work as conventional medicine does.  Whatever homeopathic remedy I recommended  to this woman, is not a panacea  cure all for anorexia!  If you have anorexia and, want to try homeopathy, try working with a professional homeopath.

Jane Doe aet. 26, presented herself as having been diagnosed with anorexia.  She didn't eat much or often.  Her stomach pained her from eating many different things.  But, there was no discernable connection between any particular foods and allergies or intolerances.  I observed that she engaged in mild exercise.  Which, made her “feel” better and gave her energy.  She was slightly winded or tired when reaching the top of stairs.  And, had a flushed face.  The last three symptoms present the symptoms of a possible iron deficiency.

Upon taking a history, she told me her period was very irregular and infrequent with long and variable intervals.  Also, very slight, not much blood.

These symptoms, altogether, are found as prominent symptoms of the homeopathic remedies Ferrum & Ferrum Phosphorus.  Highly diluted Iron & Iron phosphate.

She took Ferrum-Phosphorus with good results.  She had a very faint period, followed  by two more regular periods, increasing with flow each month, until her menustration stabilized in length, interval, intensity & flow.  She became more energetic.  And, couldn't stop eating!

Dr. Herbert Roberts, M.D. in his book, The Principles & Art of Cure by Homeopathy discusses theories as to why homeopathy works.  He also discusses the use of the homeopathic rememdy ferrum (iron).  One of his postulations is that since homeopathy has a profound affect on the endocrine system, perhaps the substances used by homeopathy mimic hormones. This mimicry helps “stabilize” the system. "Homeostasis" as homoepaths call it.  Quite the visionary and prescient.  We now know, that many drugs work exactly this way.  Many drugs mimic in shape & structure some hormone or protein that causes the DNA to work in certain ways that alleviate disease.

I would add, that hormones are the transmitters of emotions. It is of little surprise, that a woman with her endocrine system dysfunctioning, should be moody, prone to crying, etc.  Putting her endocrine  system into a functioning balanced state would probably alleviate those emotional symptoms.

Dr. Roberts also noted, that homeopathic treatment by ferrum increased the red blood cell count.  In practice, I have seen this too.  Anemic patients, young women, who take Ferrum, as Scheussler salts, have an increase in their red blood cell counts.  Their anemia goes away.

Note: As per the FDA, this would be a harmless treatment to experiment with. Scheussler salts are considered safe, OTC substances, classed as vitamins.  According to the FDA, one can not overdose with Scheussler salts.  As a homeopath, I would qualify that and say, such use should not exceed 6-8 weeks.

In addition, I would add to Dr. Roberts postulations, that since the female body is a more dynamic system than the male body, the female body's stability is more delicate.  Maintaining a state of a stable body, with the necessary feedback is less complicated than maintaining a fluctuating system.  Women, with their cycle are more challenged to keep their body in balance throughout their cycle.

Speculations are interesting.  Health is a much more down to earth issue.  Anorexia is not always in a young woman's head.  Anoerxia may be quite physical and treatable by homeopathy.

Enterorvirus 68 & Homeopathic Preventative Measures

Enterovirus 68 – Homeopathic Preventative Measures*

Givon Zirkind, D.Hom.

Enterovirus 68 (EV68, EV-D68, HEV68) is a rare disease that has seen a few cases recently appear. Children under 5 and with asthma are at risk for this virus. Adults with asthma and immunosuppression have also contracted the virus.

EV68 causes mostly respiratory illness. This can range from from mild to severe. Initially, EV68 appears like the common cold: runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. As the disease progresses, more serious symptoms may occur. Pneumonia may develop. One may be less alert. There may be less urination. Dehydration may set in. In combination, the pneumonia, lack of urination and dehydration may lead to respiratory failure. There may be skin rashes, abdominal pain and soft stools. In rare cases, there may be paralysis of one or more limbs which peaks within 48 hours of onset. Recovery of motor function may still be poor at 6-month follow-up. (This potential aspect of EV68 is polio like.)

There is no specific treatment and no vaccine. Treatment is directed against symptoms. Most people recover completely. A few need to be hospitalized. EV68 paralysis cases have been treated with steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin and/or plasma exchange. The treatment had no apparent benefit as no recovery of motor function was seen.

Homeopathy is a symptom based form of treatment. “Like Cures Like”. While homeopathy is a very individualized form of treatment based upon the specific symptoms of a person; preventative treatment based upon the symptom profile of a disease is possible. However, as some individuals react differently to disease and treatment, such preventative treatment will not work for everyone. Yet, many individuals will have a positive benefit.

Based upon the symptomology of difficult respiration, seldom urinating, difficult concentration, weakness during fever & cough, soft stool, abdominal pain and paralysis of the lower & upper limbs – the homeopathic remedy stannum is highly recommended.

If you are at risk for Enterovirus EV68, consider a homeopathic alternative.

Instructions For Homeopathic Prophylactic Use:

Although homeopathy is a symptom based method of treatment, homeopaths have found, in research and during practice, that taking a homeopathic remedy, prior to exposure during an epidemic, can be very helpful in preventing contraction of the disease. A typical homeopathic recommendation, would be, to take one dose, of a 30C or 200C potency, twice a day, for 3 days, of a remedy that has been helpful with the particular ailment.

The remedy is safe and FDA approved for over the counter sale.

Follow This Procedure With Stannum, As A Homeopathic Preventative Measure Against EV68

Do not drink coffee the entire week you take the remedy!

Wait an hour before and after taking the remedy to eat or drink, except water.

Wait an hour before and after taking the remedy to brush your teeth.

This is a homeopathic preventative measure for EV68, using STANNUM.

NOTE: A homeopathic remedy may produce the same symptoms as a disease, many people may experience minor flu like symptoms or stomaches, while taking STANNUM for preventative measures. This will pass in a few days.

* This article is not meant to replace competent licensed medical care. If you disease or flu like symptoms, especially persistent symptoms, seek competent medical care.
Enterovirus 68 among Children with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection, the Philippines; Emerging Infectious Diseases, CDC, Vol. 17, No. 8, August 2011

What Is Homeopathy?

What is homeopathy and how does it work?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

In 1790, after many years of research with his patients, a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered the “Law of Similars”.

Like Cures Like

All medicinal substances (herbs, chemicals, etc.) produce changes – symptoms – in the body. Dr. Hahnemann found that by administering medicinal substances that produced the same symptoms as the disease or derangement from health – normal bodily function, a cure could be affected.

The classical example is with quinine and malaria. In Hahnemann’s day, as Britain sailed the seas, the sailors contracted malaria. Quinine, made from the bark of a tree, Peruvian bark, was found to cure malaria. Unto this day, quinine is used to treat malaria. But, doctors noticed, that if healthy people drank tea from Peruvian bark, quinine; then the healthy people would get malaria like symptoms.

Dr. Hahnemann took this discovery and developed it, into a whole method of treatment, which he called homeopathy.

Matching symptoms of ill health to the symptoms produced by substances is the basis of homeopathy. Hence, “Like Cures Like”.

All symptoms together – mental, emotional, and physical – not just the symptoms of one part or area of the body, comprise the entire deranged constitution. Dr. Hahnemann found that taking care of the constitution is primary and then the local symptoms and ultimates will be taken care of.

Hering’s Law of Cure

Based upon clinical experience with Dr. Hahnemann’s method of treatment – homeopathy, Dr. Constantine Hering (1800-1880) developed the “Law of Cure”. The effectiveness of a remedy can be measured from the top down, in out and; by the reverse order of symptoms. This means that relief comes to the head first and then down to the feet and; relief comes first to the inside and internal organs before the external organs and skin and; that the more recently appearing symptoms are the first to disappear and the more lingering symptoms take longer to be removed.

The Infintesimal Dose

After much clinical experience, Dr. Hahnemann found the curative effect of homeopathic remedies could be greatly increased by using high dilutions. This dilution process made the effects of homeopathic remedies gentle.

The dilution process is very great. Dilutions are commonly at ratios of 1:50,000 and greater. This is referred to as the infinitesimal dose. The amount of original “active” ingredient remaining, can not be measured by conventional means. We can only see the effects in the results of homeopathic care.

Typically, only one application of a remedy is necessary. The effects can act deeply and be long lasting.

Susceptibility and Side Affects

Dr. Hahnemann observed that homeopathic remedies are only effective “if indicated” – that the symptoms match. In addition, one must be as susceptible to the remedy as to the disease. If the remedy is not “indicated”, then the remedy acts as nothing more than a sugar pill, especially so with infinitesimal doses as the substance present is very minute. So, there is no possibility of side affects.

The FDA has the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the US, HPUS that regulates the production of homeopathic remedies. This helps to ensure quality, content and safety.

Homeopathy is NOT: Herbs, Nutrition, Vitamins, or Slow Acting